AWS Educate Pathways
提供學生12種免費的線上職業培訓,內容包含Big Data, Machine Learning, Cloud等現今最熱門的職業選擇! 每個職業選擇都含有數十個小時的雲端課程與線上實作練習 (免費使用AWS的雲端服務)完成課程後,還能獲得一個專業的AWS Educate結業證書和網路徽章! 徽章能夠證明學生擁有此雲端技能並在未來能夠在工作中運用!
Explore AWS Educate’s Cloud Career Pathways to start building the key cloud skills you’ll need to be successful in leading technology careers. Earn a completion credential for each pathway and share with prospective employers to show what you’ve learned.