觀看: 992
  • 00:00 1.
    Java Programming: Exceptions and Assertions
  • 00:08 2.
    Outline (Ch 12.1-12.9)
  • 01:03 3.
  • 02:47 4.
    Traditional Approach to Exceptions
  • 04:43 5.
    Example for Traditional Handling of Unexpected Errors
  • 05:43 6.
    Exceptions in Java
  • 06:48 7.
    Exception Handling
  • 09:52 8.
    Run-Time Error on Executing Zero
  • 11:26 9.
    Catch an Exception Where It Occurs
  • 13:09 10.
    Catching Exceptions by Calling Methods
  • 14:06 11.
    Example: Handling Input Mismatch
  • 17:08 12.
    The try Statement
  • 18:25 13.
    Example: Catching Different Exceptions
  • 20:25 14.
    Exception Types
  • 22:12 15.
    System Errors
  • 22:40 16.
  • 22:50 17.
    Runtime Exceptions
  • 23:29 18.
    Checked or Unchecked Exceptions
  • 23:48 19.
    Checked Exceptions vs. Unchecked Exceptions
  • 25:47 20.
    Exception Propagation
  • 26:55 21.
    Illustration of Exception Propagation
  • 29:45 22.
    Declaring, Throwing, and Catching Exceptions
  • 31:38 23.
    Defining an Exception Class
  • 32:09 24.
    Throwing Exceptions
  • 33:29 25.
    The finally Clause
  • 34:57 26.
    The finally Clause
  • 35:43 27.
    Example: finally-Clause Usage
  • 38:56 28.
    The Throwable and Exception Classes
  • 39:51 29.
    Methods in an Throwable
  • 41:14 30.
  • 42:39 31.
    Syntax Enhancement of Exceptions since Java 7
  • 43:14 32.
    Handling More Than One Type of Exception
  • 43:58 33.
    Rethrowing Exceptions with More Inclusive Type Checking
  • 45:00 34.
    The try-with-resources Statements
  • 47:59 35.
    Note on Using Exceptions
  • 49:45 36.
  • 51:26 37.
    Executing Assertions Example
  • 53:27 38.
    Running Programs with Assertions
  • 55:16 39.
    Exception Handling vs. Assertions
  • 56:30 40.
    Using Exception or Assertions
  • 59:05 41.
    Occasions of Using Assertions
  • 1:00:35 42.
  • 索引
  • 筆記
  • 全螢幕
長度: 1:02:24, 瀏覽: 993, 最近修訂: 2021-05-20
    • 00:00 1.
      Java Programming: Exceptions and Assertions
    • 00:08 2.
      Outline (Ch 12.1-12.9)
    • 01:03 3.
    • 02:47 4.
      Traditional Approach to Exceptions
    • 04:43 5.
      Example for Traditional Handling of Unexpected Errors
    • 05:43 6.
      Exceptions in Java
    • 06:48 7.
      Exception Handling
    • 09:52 8.
      Run-Time Error on Executing Zero
    • 11:26 9.
      Catch an Exception Where It Occurs
    • 13:09 10.
      Catching Exceptions by Calling Methods
    • 14:06 11.
      Example: Handling Input Mismatch
    • 17:08 12.
      The try Statement
    • 18:25 13.
      Example: Catching Different Exceptions
    • 20:25 14.
      Exception Types
    • 22:12 15.
      System Errors
    • 22:40 16.
    • 22:50 17.
      Runtime Exceptions
    • 23:29 18.
      Checked or Unchecked Exceptions
    • 23:48 19.
      Checked Exceptions vs. Unchecked Exceptions
    • 25:47 20.
      Exception Propagation
    • 26:55 21.
      Illustration of Exception Propagation
    • 29:45 22.
      Declaring, Throwing, and Catching Exceptions
    • 31:38 23.
      Defining an Exception Class
    • 32:09 24.
      Throwing Exceptions
    • 33:29 25.
      The finally Clause
    • 34:57 26.
      The finally Clause
    • 35:43 27.
      Example: finally-Clause Usage
    • 38:56 28.
      The Throwable and Exception Classes
    • 39:51 29.
      Methods in an Throwable
    • 41:14 30.
    • 42:39 31.
      Syntax Enhancement of Exceptions since Java 7
    • 43:14 32.
      Handling More Than One Type of Exception
    • 43:58 33.
      Rethrowing Exceptions with More Inclusive Type Checking
    • 45:00 34.
      The try-with-resources Statements
    • 47:59 35.
      Note on Using Exceptions
    • 49:45 36.
    • 51:26 37.
      Executing Assertions Example
    • 53:27 38.
      Running Programs with Assertions
    • 55:16 39.
      Exception Handling vs. Assertions
    • 56:30 40.
      Using Exception or Assertions
    • 59:05 41.
      Occasions of Using Assertions
    • 1:00:35 42.
    資科系 李蔡彥老師
    2021-05-20 11:03:17
    2021-05-20 12:02:55