講者:Tsai-Yen Li
觀看: 660
  • 00:00 1.
    Computer Science Special Project
  • 14:27 2.
  • 17:35 3.
    Position of the Field: Motion Planning
  • 23:47 4.
    Motivations and Applications
  • 28:39 5.
    Application: Movie Generation
  • 33:05 6.
    Applications: Automatic Robot Programming
  • 37:54 7.
    Applications: Maintenance Planning
  • 39:48 8.
    Applications: Radiosurgery of the Brain
  • 42:25 9.
    Applications: Generation of Plausible Docking Motions
  • 49:42 10.
    The General Path Planning Problem
  • 1:04:22 11.
    The General Path Planning Problem
  • 1:14:42 12.
    An Example with Few DOF
  • 1:15:18 13.
    An Example with Many DOF
  • 1:16:18 14.
    An Example: Coordination of Multiple Robots
  • 1:20:45 15.
    An Example: Manipulation Planning
  • 1:21:22 16.
    An Example: Nonholonomic Planning for Car-Like Robot
  • 1:22:39 17.
    An Example: Tractor-Trailor
  • 1:25:45 18.
    Defining a Simplified Problem
  • 1:38:20 19.
    A Sample Problem
  • 1:38:42 20.
    General Principle
  • 1:41:06 21.
    Planning Methods Overview:Cell Decomposition
  • 1:43:39 22.
    Exact Cell Decomposition
  • 1:45:42 23.
    Approximate Cell Decomposition: 2D Quadtree
  • 1:47:13 24.
    Approximate Cell Decomposition 3D OcTree
  • 1:47:21 25.
    Planning Methods Overview:Roadmap Methods
  • 1:48:39 26.
    Roadmap Methods
  • 1:50:08 27.
    Planning Methods Overview:Potential Field Methods
  • 1:52:06 28.
    Different Types of Potential Fields
  • 1:53:49 29.
    Example of Analytical Definition
  • 1:56:13 30.
    Local Minima in a Potential Field
  • 索引
  • 筆記
  • 全螢幕
長度: 1:58:34, 瀏覽: 661, 最近修訂: 2022-01-31
    • 00:00 1.
      Computer Science Special Project
    • 14:27 2.
    • 17:35 3.
      Position of the Field: Motion Planning
    • 23:47 4.
      Motivations and Applications
    • 28:39 5.
      Application: Movie Generation
    • 33:05 6.
      Applications: Automatic Robot Programming
    • 37:54 7.
      Applications: Maintenance Planning
    • 39:48 8.
      Applications: Radiosurgery of the Brain
    • 42:25 9.
      Applications: Generation of Plausible Docking Motions
    • 49:42 10.
      The General Path Planning Problem
    • 1:04:22 11.
      The General Path Planning Problem
    • 1:14:42 12.
      An Example with Few DOF
    • 1:15:18 13.
      An Example with Many DOF
    • 1:16:18 14.
      An Example: Coordination of Multiple Robots
    • 1:20:45 15.
      An Example: Manipulation Planning
    • 1:21:22 16.
      An Example: Nonholonomic Planning for Car-Like Robot
    • 1:22:39 17.
      An Example: Tractor-Trailor
    • 1:25:45 18.
      Defining a Simplified Problem
    • 1:38:20 19.
      A Sample Problem
    • 1:38:42 20.
      General Principle
    • 1:41:06 21.
      Planning Methods Overview:Cell Decomposition
    • 1:43:39 22.
      Exact Cell Decomposition
    • 1:45:42 23.
      Approximate Cell Decomposition: 2D Quadtree
    • 1:47:13 24.
      Approximate Cell Decomposition 3D OcTree
    • 1:47:21 25.
      Planning Methods Overview:Roadmap Methods
    • 1:48:39 26.
      Roadmap Methods
    • 1:50:08 27.
      Planning Methods Overview:Potential Field Methods
    • 1:52:06 28.
      Different Types of Potential Fields
    • 1:53:49 29.
      Example of Analytical Definition
    • 1:56:13 30.
      Local Minima in a Potential Field
    資科系 李蔡彥老師
    2022-01-31 15:51:54
    2022-01-31 16:42:54